After discovering my new found fabulous mascara I decided I would suck it up and try the eye lash curler again. I avoided this makeup tool like you avoid that one person you don't want to see in the grocery store. Yes, that bad. I thought I could make it work on my own by holding my index fingers up to my eyelashes and pressing. Nope! The pulling out eyelashes, crimping your eyelid and making your eyes water doesn't sound like fun. However, I attempted curling my eyelashes one last time. I told myself to give it a week. Every day for a week I put the eyelash curler to my eye and made every effort to love it. Now I can't live without it.
I bought an E.L.F. eyelash curler at Target for $1.00. I love it. If you don't use one give it a try! You will be amazed how much of a difference it makes.
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