Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Paper and Glue: Thanksgiving Cards

   My friend Amanda started embossing and I couldn't wait to try it for one of my projects.  Amanda had a to go through trial and error to test the best products to use.  So, using the stamp that I made from the post prior to this, card stock and embossing tools I made some Thanksgiving cards.

1.  Versa Mark ink/glue pad-$7.99 at Michael's
2.  Embossing powder-$3.59 at Michael's
3.  Embossing gun- $24.99 at Michael's but I used my 50% off coupon so really I only paid $12.99
4.  Stamp
5.  Blank cards-I just cut a 8" x 11 1/2 " stock card in half and then folded those pieces in half

How to:
1.  Press your stamp into the Versa Mark ink/glue pad
2.  Stamp your image onto the card where you desire
3.  Pour your embossing powder over the stamped image then tap excess powder off.  Just like using glitter.
4.  Then turn on the embossing gun and hold your card a few inches from the barrel of the gun.  Heat the  powder until it begins to change into a glossy finish.  As soon as your image is glossy shut off the embossing gun.  Make sure that you don't leave your embossing powder tube in the way of the gun and make sure that you don't get to close to your fingers.

Versa Mark and embossing powder

Thanksgiving card

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